The Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau promotes economic, commercial, business and person-to-person connections between Australia and Macau.
The Chamber started life as the “Macau Business Network” of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and Macau. After several years as the Macau Business Network, it was decided to establish a separate Macau Chamber to focus on issues of specific interest to Macau members. At that time AustCham Hong Kong and Macau became AustCham Hong Kong, and the Macau Business Network began the process of establishing a separate AustCham Macau registered under the laws of the Macau SAR. The separation was amicable and AustCham Hong Kong and AustCham Macau have since signed an MoU to co-operate in a number of operational areas including the Greater Bay Area initiative.
The Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau was formally gazetted as Macau SAR Registered Association number 8762 on 20 June 2018, with the following founding members:
- Mr Michael Keen
- Mr Liviano Lacchia
Mr Patrick Liu
- Mr Andrew W Scott
- Mr Michael Usher
The Board would like to acknowledge the outstanding efforts of Mr Martin Darveniza, who was a major force in leading the drive for the establishment of AustCham Macau. Sadly, Martin passed away in 2018, just before the official establishment of the Chamber. He is greatly missed by all. The Board would also like to acknowledge the similarly outstanding efforts of Mr Vincent Kelly in the establishment of the Chamber. Vincent is no longer residing in Macau but still remains a great friend to the Chamber.
Our official launch event was on Australia Day, 26 January 2019.
Patrick Liu
+853 6613 3831
[email protected]
Vice Chairman
Andrew W Scott
+853 6612 7612
[email protected]
Liviano Lacchia
+853 6299 2611
[email protected]
Sharon Warren
+853 6266 3714
[email protected]
Please feel free to deposit membership fees and other payments directly into our bank account. After doing so please send the details to our Treasurer and our Secretary. Please make cheques out to “Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau.”
Our bank information is:
Bank address: | AVENIDA DA PRAIA GRANDE, NO. 572, MACAU |
Swift code: | CMACMOMX |
Account number: | 0005358040 |
Intermediate Bank for USD transfers only | |
Correspondent Bank: | DAH SING BANK LIMITED |
Swift code: | DSBAHKHH |
Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau Personal Data Collection Statement
Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau is a non-profit legal person. This Statement concerns this Entity’s processing of personal data related to members for the purposes of collection of membership fees and contact with members.
- Purpose of data processing Collection of membership fees and contact with members.
- Category of data subject Members.
- Categories of personal data For the above purpose, this Entity may collect and process the following categories of personal data. The collection of some categories of data may be necessary, while that of the others may be based on the voluntary provision of the data subject. Please contact this Entity for any enquiry.
- Identification data: name, age or date of birth, place of birth, gender, language used, types, number and copy of the identification document, contribution number, membership number, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, occupation, education and photo.
- If the data subject is a minor or interdicted person, the above identification data include name and contact information of parents or guardians.
- Family information: marital status, name of spouse, name and contact information of the person supported by him/her, name of the minor in his/her custody.
- Other data: amount of membership fee, bank information, types of member, position, and other data collected in accordance with the organization charters.
- Data recipients Data recipients include:
- Entities to be informed in accordance with legal provisions or charters.
- Bank through which membership fees are paid.
- Rights of the data subject Data subjects are entitled by the law to the right of access and the right of rectification. When exercising the right of access, they can apply to this Entity in writing and may need to pay a reasonable fee.
- 處理目的: 收取會費及在其章程規定的活動範圍內與會員聯絡。
- 資料當事人類別: 會員。
- 資料種類: 因上述目的,本機構可能會收集及處理以下的個人資料。當中,有些資料可能是必須收集的,有些則可能是由當事人自願選擇提供的。如有疑問,可向本機構瞭解。
- 身份認別資料:姓名、年齡或出生日期、出生地、性別、使用語言、身份證明文件種類、號碼及副本、供款號碼、會員號碼、地址、電話號碼、傳真號碼、電郵地址、職業、學歷及相片。
- 如資料當事人為未成年人或禁治產人,上款所指的身份認別資料包括行使親權者或監護人姓名及聯絡方法。
- 家庭情況:婚姻狀況、配偶姓名、由其扶養者的姓名及聯絡方法、由其行使親權或監護之未成年人的姓名。
- 其他資料:會費金額、銀行資料、會員或成員類別及會內職務,以及根據本機構章程收集的其他資料。
- 資料接收者 資料的接收者包括:
- 根據法律或章程規定應通告的實體。
- 繳納會費的銀行。
- 當事人的權利 當事人依法享有查閱權及更正權,在行使查閱權時需以書面方式向本機構負責人提出,並可能需繳付合理的費用。