Liz Lycette is a Kiwi-born Australian who has been working at a large hotel complex in Macau since April 2015. Her first steps into hospitality began after moving to Hong Kong in the mid 70’s from a small town in New Zealand with her expat parents. She was fascinated by the hotel world and went on to graduate from Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne Switzerland. Liz first came to Macau in 1981 to open the Mandarin Oriental (now Grand Lapa) as a very green Executive Housekeeper. She consequently went on to hold similar positions in London, Sydney, Jakarta and Hong Kong before starting a housekeeping management consulting company over 15 years ago. This consulting role took her all over the world; training housekeeping managers, lecturing at hotel schools and speaking at conferences on the role of housekeeping within hospitality.
All through her working life Liz has maintained a network of contacts, both professionally and personally which ensures she stays connected and current in the industry. Networks such as AustCham are important not only to grow business ties but also to form bonds of friendship which are critical when living far away from family and friends.