Articles of Association

Below is the official Chinese version of the text of the Articles of Association of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau as it appeared in the Macau government gazette on 20 June 2018. You can also find this online at the official website of the Macau government gazette at

Please click here for the English version of the text of the Articles of Association of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau.

私 人 公 證 員
證 明 書
(Em abreviatura, 澳門澳洲商會)
Câmara de Comércio da Austrália Macau
Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau, (Em abreviatura, AustCham) Macau
本社團中文名稱為「澳門澳大利亞商會」,簡稱「澳門澳洲商會」,葡萄牙文名稱為 “Câmara de Comércio da Austrália Macau”,英文名稱為 “Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau”,簡稱為“AustCham Macau”。
1. 本社團可接納所有同意及接受社團宗旨及規例的個人及組織成為會員。
2. 本社團會員分為以下類型:
a. 榮譽會員:理事會認為對加強澳門與澳洲關係作出巨大及相關貢獻的人士或組織;
b. 普通會員:年滿18歲以上的自然人;
c. 中小型企業會員:中小型企業,即被視為聘用少於25人的所有公司;
d. 企業會員:屬於法人且不被視為中小型企業的公司或組織;
e. 創始會員:參與本社會第一次大會的普通會員、中小型企業會員及企業會員。
3. 接受新的普通會員、中小型企業會員及企業會員須視填寫及簽署書面申請的候選人、理事會的批准以及適用入會費的支付情況而定。
4. 接受榮譽會員須在理事會提議後經大會批准。
1. 所有類型的會員均有權參與本社團安排的或本社團可能參與的事件及活動,並享有本社團讓會員享有的福利。
2. 普通會員、中小型企業會員及企業會員均有權:
a. 參與會員大會並在會上投票,惟須遵守本社團章程細則的條款。
b. 當選本社團的主管部門。
3. 所有會員均有義務:
a. 遵守本社團章程細則以及本社團發佈的規例及決議。
b. 支付大會釐定的任何適用入會費及/或會員費。
c. 為促進本社團及其會員的利益而行事及合作。
4. 在大會上,各普通會員均有一票,各中小型企業會員均有兩票,以及各企業會員均有三票。
5. 各中小型企業會員及企業會員所持票數不可單獨行使。
6. 在法人當選本社團的主管部門時,其須委任一名自然人擔任其代表。在主要代表無能力行事的情況下,允許委任替任代表。
1. 理事會可議決對違反本社團章程細則及本社團規章及決議或被發現犯下對本社團形象及聲譽造成負面影響的任何行為的會員進行下列處罰:
a. 警告,
b. 譴責;或
c. 開除。
2. 如會員逾期超過三個月未繳付會員費,則將中止其權利。如逾期超過六個月未繳付會員費,則理事會須以掛號郵寄方式書面通知違約會員,授予7日的結算期。如本社團於結算期屆滿後仍未收到全數付款,理事會則應取消違約會員的會員資格。
1. 本社團有如下管治機構:
a. 會員大會;
b. 理事會;
c. 監事會;及
2. 由理事會設立並向其報告,由普通、中小型企業及/或企業會員組成的特別委員會,旨在處理可能需不時處理的具體事項或任務。
1. 會員大會由本社團所有普通、中小型企業及企業會員組成,為本社團最高權力機構。
2. 大會由主席以於會議日期前至少28個曆日發出掛號或專人遞送信件的方式召開。開會通知須載明會議日期、時間及地點以及會議議程。如大會主席沒有按法律及本社團章程細則的規定召開會議,則由理事會主席或理事會主席應至少佔可能的總票數30%(百分之三十)的本社團會員之請求召開大會。
3. 只要出席或指派正式代表出席的會員有權行使本社團所有投票會員可行使的總投票權至少一半的投票權,則大會將被視為應第一次通知召開。如未能在指定日期及時間行使足夠的投票權數量,則會議將應第二次通知在第一次通知後60分鐘召開,前提是出席或指派正式代表出席的會員有權行使本社團所有投票會員可行使的總投票權至少35%的投票權。
4. 會員可以向大會主席提交委託書的方式委派代表出席大會,但只可委派有權參加大會的其他股東擔任代表。
5. 中小型企業及企業會員須以向大會主席提交委託書的方式委任自然人代表其出席大會。
6. 除法律或本社團章程細則規定須由大會議決的事項外,下列事項亦須經會員批准:
a. 透過貸款籌資,無論有無抵押,亦無論金額大小;
b. 購買任何類型的機動車輛;
c. 購買任何不動產;
d. 根據理事會建議接納榮譽會員;
e. 批准理事會起草的內部規章。
7. 所有決議均須由親自出席或指派代表出席成員的過半數票通過,下列決議除外:
a. 更改本社團章程細則的決議,必須獲親自出席或派代表出席成員至少四分之三票數批准;
b. 清算本社團的決議,只有獲得四分之三社團全體會員贊成票方可通過。
8. 大會須至少於每一曆年第一季度期間召開一次,以批准財務報表及理事會上一曆年報告、對當前曆年預算及活動計劃進行投票表決,以及舉行任何必要的選舉。
9. 大會委員會須交由一名主席主持,且須有兩名副主席及一名秘書,該等人士由大會選出,任期兩年,並可無限次再獲推選。
a. 主席須履行本組織章程細則所述職責、主持會員大會及在票數相等的情況下投決定票。
b. 大會副主席為組織資歷最長會員,須在沒有主席或主席被禁止履行其職責時履行主席職責。
c. 大會秘書為理事會秘書,將負責起草及簽署會議記錄,並確保所有會議均依照法律及本社團章程細則舉行。
10. 在選出本社團的管治機構前,須在相關大會日期至少14天前向大會主席呈交候選人名單。
1. 理事會為本社團的行政管理機構,擁有一切必要權力管理及代表本社團,須由五至九範圍中的奇數位成員(由會員大會議決)組成,任期兩年,並可無限次再獲推選。
2. 理事會須包括一名主席、一名副主席、一名秘書及一名財務主管,如會員大會未明確委任相關人士,則由理事會從其成員中選出。
3. 理事會會議由其主席召開,如果主席並未按法律或本組織章程細則的規定召開會議,則由構成理事會至少三分之一的理事召開會議。一般情況下,理事會須每一季度召開一次會議,而在特殊情況下,則須在被召集的時候召開會議。
4. 除本社團章程細則及法律授予的權力及權限外,理事會應具備管理及指示本社團所需的一切權力,包括但不限於:
a. 確保遵守本組織章程細則、會員大會決議及本組織的內部規章;
b. 管理本社團的活動、內部組織及資產;
c. 僱用及聘用職員並釐定他們的薪酬;
d. 擬定待大會批准的入會費及會員的年費金額;
e. 草擬向會員大會提議的內部規章;
f. 草擬待會員大會批准的年度財務報表及報告、預算及本社團活動計劃;及
g. 管理及負責與會員及其他組織進行溝通。
5. 理事會會議的法定人數應為過半數會員,且所有決議均應由出席的過半數會員通過。
6. 本社團須受兩名理事的聯名簽署約束,其中一名理事須為主席或副主席,或由理事會視乎個別情況而決定。
7. 理事會可將若干責任或權限轉授給執行委員會或執行理事(從其成員中任命)。
8. 如出現票數相同的情況,會議主席有權投決定票。
9. 理事會成員可透過向理事會主席提交的委託書,指派另一名理事會成員代表其出席理事會會議。
1. 監事會應監督本社團的營運、財務收入及開支。
2. 監事會應具有三或五名成員,由會員大會從本社團會員中選舉產生,但理事會可建議將屬於在澳門註冊執業的專業核數師的非會員納入其中。監事會成員當選任期為兩年,並可無限次再獲推選。
3. 如未由會員大會委任,監事會應從其成員中選舉主席。
4. 監事會具有以下權力:
a. 對理事會編制的即將提交會員大會的年度財務報表發表意見;
b. 審核本社團的賬目並確保符合獲批的預算;及
c. 就本社團管理相關事宜向理事會提出建議。
5. 監事會須至少每三個月舉行一次會議,及在其主席召開時舉行會議,或當並未按法律或本社團章程細則規定召開會議時,則由其至少兩名成員召開會議。
6. 成員可透過向主席提交的委託書,指派另一名成員代表其出席會議。
7. 召開會議的前提是有過半數成員出席或指派代表出席,及所有決議均須由出席的過半數成員投票通過。
8. 如出現票數相同的情況,會議主席有權投決定票。
a. 會員費;
b. 津貼及捐款;
c. 源自本社團所持資產的收入;
d. 源自本社團開展的活動的利潤;
e. 理事會或會員大會批准的任何其他方法。
Below is the unofficial English version of the text of the Articles of Association of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau. It should be noted that the Chinese version is the official version and the English version should be used for reference only.
Macau Australian Chamber of Commerce
(In abbreviation, AustCham Macau)

Article 1
The Association shall be named, in Chinese, “澳門澳大利亞商會”, abbreviated to “澳門澳洲商會”, in Portuguese, “Câmara de Comércio da Austrália Macau”, and, in English, “Australian Chamber of Commerce Macau”, abbreviated to “AustCham Macau”.
Article 2
This Association is a non-profit organization, with the following objectives:
a) Provide networking opportunities between the members, Australians and Australia-connected Macau residents, Australian and Australian-connected businesses and Macau businesses, and between the members and the Macau SAR Government.
b) Assist Australian businesses seeking business and investment opportunities with members and non-members in Macau. 
c) Liaise and work with the Macau SAR Government and the Australian Government to promote the common interests of the Macau SAR and Australia, and on their policies affecting Australians doing business or residing in Macau. 
d) Organize events to celebrate significant Australian historical milestones and public holidays. 
e) Cooperate with similar organizations in Mainland China and other countries and regions, to further business, commercial and industrial exchanges with and investment in Australia.
f) Promote economic and industrial relations between the Macau SAR and Australia.
g) Contribute to the economic and social development of Macau.
Article 3
Registered Office of the Association
The Association is located at Avenida dos Jardins do Oceano 480B, Laurel Court, 8th floor J, Taipa, Macau.
Article 4
1. The Association may accept as members all individuals and organizations who agree with and accept its objectives and regulations. 
2. The members of the Association shall be divided into the following types:
a.  Honorary Members: persons or organizations whom the Board of Directors finds to have made a significant and relevant contribution towards the strengthening of relations between Macau and Australia;
b. Ordinary Members: Natural persons who are over 18 years of age;
c. SME Members: small and medium-sized enterprises, being so considered all companies who employ less than 25 persons;
d. Corporate Members: corporations or organizations who are legal persons and which are not considered small or medium-sized enterprises;
e. Founding Members: the Ordinary Members, SME Members and Corporate Members who participated in the first General Meeting of the Association.
3. The acceptance of new Ordinary, SME and Corporate Members is dependent upon the candidates filling in and signing a written application, approval by the Board of Directors and payment of the applicable membership fee.
4. The acceptance of Honorary Members is subject to approval by the General Meeting, after proposal by the Board of Directors.
Article 5
Member’s rights and obligations
1. All types of members shall be entitled to participate in the events and activities organized by the Association or in which the Association may participate, and to enjoy the benefits the Association may extend to members.
2. Ordinary, SME and Corporate Members have the right to:
a. Participate and vote at General Meetings of Members, subject to the terms of these Articles of Association.
b. Be elected to the governing bodies of the Association.
3. All Members have the obligation to:
a. Comply with these Articles of Association, as well as the regulations and resolutions issued by the Association.
b. Pay any applicable membership fees and/or dues as determined by the General Meeting.
c. Act and cooperate to further the interests of the Association and its members.
4. At General Meetings, each ordinary member shall have one vote, each SME member shall have two votes and each Corporate Member shall have three votes. 
5. The votes held by each SME member and Corporate Member cannot be exercised separately.
6. When a legal person is elected to a governing body of the Association, it shall appoint a physical person to act as its representative. Alternate representatives are allowed, in the event that the primary representative is unable to act.
Article 6
Disciplinary matters
1. The Board of Directors may resolve to apply the following sanctions to members who breach these Articles of Association or the Association’s regulations and resolutions, or which are found to have committed any acts which have an adverse effect on the image and reputation of the Association:
a. Warning,
b. Censure; or
c. Expulsion.
2. Members which have membership dues overdue and unpaid for more than three months shall have their rights suspended. If membership dues are overdue by more than six months, the Board of Directors shall give notice in writing to the defaulting member by way of registered post, granting a period of 7 days for settlement. Upon expiry of this settlement period without payment in full having been received by the Association, the Board of Directors shall cancel the membership of the defaulting member.
Framework of the association
Article 7
Organizational structure
1. This association shall have the following governing bodies:
a. The General Meeting of Members;
b. The Board of Directors;
c. The Supervisory Board; and
2. Special committees made up of ordinary, SME and/or corporate members, set up by and reporting to the Board of Directors, for the purpose of dealing with specific matters or tasks as may be necessary from time to time.
Article 8
General Meeting of Members
1. The General Meeting of Members is made up of all ordinary, SME and corporate members of the Association and is the highest authority in the Association.
2. The General Meeting is convened by its Chairman by way of registered or hand-delivered letter sent out at least 28 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting. The convening notice shall include the date, time and location of the meeting, as well as the agenda for the meeting. If the Chairman of the General Meeting does not convene a meeting when required to do so under the law and these Articles of Association, the General Meeting may also be convened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by the latter at the request of members of the Association representing at least 30% (thirty percent) of the total possible votes.
3. The General Meeting will be considered in session on first call as long as members entitled to exercise at least half of the total votes exercisable by all voting members of the Association are present or duly represented. If a sufficient number of votes cannot be exercised at the appointed date and time, the meeting shall be held on second call 60 minutes after the 1st call as long as members entitled to exercise at least 35% of the total votes exercisable by all voting members of the Association are present or duly represented.
4. Members can be represented at the General Meeting by way of a proxy letter addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting, but only by another member entitled to attend General Meetings.
5. SME and Corporate Members shall appoint a physical person as their representative at the General Meeting by way of a proxy letter addressed to the Chairman of the General Meeting. 
6. In addition to the matters which by law or these Articles of Association must be resolved by the General Meeting, the following matters must also be subject to approval by the members:
a. Funding through loans, with or without security, and regardless of the amount;
b. Purchase of any type of motor vehicles;
c. Purchase of any real property;
d. Admission of honorary members as proposed by the Board of Directors;
e. Approval of internal regulations drafted by the Board of Directors.
7. All resolutions shall be taken with the majority of the votes present or represented, except for the following resolutions:
a. to change these Articles of Association, which must be approved by at least three quarters of the votes present or represented;
b. to liquidate the Association, which can only be adopted with the assenting vote of a majority of three quarters of all votes.
8. The General Meeting shall be convened at least once during the first quarter of every calendar year, to approve the financial statements and the Board of Directors’ Report of the previous calendar year, and to vote on the Budget and the Plan of Activities for the current calendar year, as well as to hold any necessary elections.
9. The Board of the General Meeting shall be chaired by one Chairman, and shall include two Vice-Chairmen and one Secretary, elected by the General Meeting to hold their offices for terms of 2 years, and which may be re-elected without limit.
a. The Chairman shall perform its duties as stated in these Articles of Association, shall chair the General Meetings of Members and shall have the casting vote, in the event of a tie.
b. The Vice-Chairman of the General Meeting who is a member of the association the longest shall perform the duties of the Chairman when the latter is unavailable or otherwise prevented from discharging its duties.
c. The Secretary of the General Meeting is the Secretary of the Board of Directors and will be responsible for drafting and signing the minutes of meetings and ensuring that all meetings are held in compliance with the law and these Articles of Association.
10. Elections for the governing bodies of the Association shall be preceded by the presentation of candidates’ lists to the Chairman of the General Meeting no less than 14 days prior to the date of the applicable General Meeting.
Article 9
Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Association, with all the necessary powers to manage and represent the Association and shall be made up of an odd number of members between five and nine, as may be resolved by the General Meeting of Members, elected for a term of 2 years, and may be re-elected without limit.
2. The Board of Directors shall include a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer, appointed by the Board from amongst its members if not expressly appointed by the General Meeting of Members.
3. The meetings of the Board of Directors are convened by its Chairman or, if not convened by the Chairman when so required under the law or these Articles of Association, by directors making up at least one third of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall meet ordinarily once every quarter, and extraordinarily whenever so convened.
4. In addition to such powers and competencies granted in these Articles of Association and the law, the Board of Directors shall have all the powers necessary to manage and direct the Association, including, without limitation:
a. Ensure compliance with these Articles of Association, the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members and the internal regulations of the Association;
b. Manage the activities, internal organization and assets of the Association;
c. Hire and engage staff and determine their salaries;
d. Propose the amount of the membership fees and members’ yearly dues to be approved by the General Meeting;
e. Draft internal regulations to be proposed to the General Meeting of Members;
f. Draft the annual financial statements and Report, Budget and Plan of Activities of the Association, to be approved by the General Meeting of Members; and
g. Manage and undertake communications with members and other organizations.
5. The quorum of the meetings of the Board of Directors shall be the majority of the members and all resolutions shall be taken by the majority of the members present.
6. The Association shall be bound by two directors signing jointly, one of which shall be the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, or as the Board of Directors may resolve on a case by case basis.
7. The Board of Directors may delegate certain responsibilities or competencies to an Executive Committee or an Executive Director, appointed from amongst its members.
8. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
9. The members of the Board of Directors may be represented at meetings of the Board by another member of the Board, by proxy letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board.
Article 10
Supervisory Board
1. The Supervisory Board shall supervise the operations, financial revenue and expenditures of the Association.
2. The Supervisory Board shall have three or five members, elected by the General Meeting of Members from amongst the members of the Association excepting that the Board of Directors may propose the inclusion thereon of non-members who are professional auditors registered to practice in Macau. Supervisory Board members are elected for a term of 2 years and may be re-elected without limit.
3. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board shall be selected by the Supervisory Board from amongst its members, if not appointed by the General Meeting of Members.
4. The Supervisory Board shall have the following powers:
a. To give opinion on the yearly financial statements prepared by the Board of Directors, to be presented to the General Meeting of Members;
b. To review the Association’s accounts and ensure compliance with the approved budget; and
c. To advise the Board of Directors on matters related to the management of the Association.
5. The Supervisory Board shall meet at least once every three months and when convened by its Chairman or, when not convened when so required under the law or these Articles of Association, by at least two of its members.
6. Members can be represented at meetings by another member, by way of a proxy letter addressed to the Chairman.
7. Meetings shall be held with the majority of members present or represented and all resolutions shall be taken with the vote of the majority of the members present.
8. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.
Funding and liquidation
Article 11
The activities of the Association shall be funded through:
a. Members’ dues;
b. Subsidies and donations;
c. Income derived from assets held by the Association;
d. Profit derived from activities undertaken by the Association.
e. Any other method approved by the Board of Directors or by the General Meeting of Members.
Article 12
In the event of liquidation of the Association, the General Meeting shall decide upon the distribution of any remaining assets, with the guiding principle that such distribution be consistent with the Objectives of the Association as outlined in Article 2.